
Browser support
There are numerous web browsers available for accessing the internet. Whilst most browsers provide similar results, there are variances between browsers and there are also differences with the same browsers on different operating systems. This site has been optimised on Mozilla Firefox, though it has also been tested on Google Chrome and Safari. If you encounter a page or feature that does not display or operate on your browser then please contact me at [email protected] and I will aim to get it resolved. This site does not support Internet Explorer 10 or earlier.
Accessibility for all
The No Lesser Panda website was constructed with maximum accessibility in mind. I have made a concerted effort to try and make the site as accessible as possible, here are some of the steps I have undertaken:
- It currently sores 100% accessibilty on Chrome Lighthouse.
- The page shows no errors on the Wave Accessibility tool.
- The font sizes and colour scheme are chosen to meet a minimum of WCAG AA standards, and in most cases meet AAA.
- The pages are fully scalable with no maximum scale size.
That said I am sure that there is still scope for further improvement. I would like this site to be fully accessible to everyone so if you have any comments or concerns about the accessibility of this webpage then I would really appreciate your comments, please email [email protected].
Currently this site makes extensive use of a programming language called Javascript. Javascript allows for some powerful functionality and helps with the sites responsive design layout. Not all browsers have Javascript enabled, some by default and some by user choice. Several features on this site will not operate correctly or at all without Javascipt enabled.
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