No Lesser Panda is 1!

Get the tea and jaffa cakes out, it's time for a party!
It is a pretty exciting day here at NLP HQ because No Lesser Panda is 1 today! What better way to celebrate than the news that my Southside series of prints are now available to buy from the fabulous Southside gift shop Sunshine No. 1! You can explore the full collection of great products that Sunshine No. 1 has for sale at their online store!
During the last year I’ve worked on a wide and varied selection of projects, I’ve created websites, logos, adverts, posters, flyers, even patterns clothes, all sorts really! There has been famous people, famous landmarks and even famous monsters! I’ve also helped people make their websites more sustainable by providing advice, guidance and updating code too. I’m already looking forward to the next year and the opportunity to work with more great clients and hopefully making the internet a more fun, interesting, sustainable and accessible place!
One thing is for certain, it has been a pretty strange and unusual year! Perhaps though that is just one more reason to have a party! So grab a cup of tea and some jaffa cakes and come join us for a panda party!
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